Hatred quelled. Post finished. Entire box of cornflakes...eaten.
In honor of the coming of fall and the long-awaited end of Tokyo Sweatbath Summer Inferno 2007, I now present to you...
ChRiStInE's SePtEmBeR pHoTo BoNaNzA!
A warm-up (courtesy of icanhascheezburger.com)
Okay, here we go:
A room full of drunk Japanese businessmen dancing to Bon Jovi. Which layer of hell is that, again?
Redhead rage (at Dave's birthday party in Yoyogi Park)
The small Japanese man ducking out of the way of my boobs is just some stranger we met in the park. There is also a picture of him and his friend mooning the camera that I considered too obscene for this blog.
And as you can see, Dave decided to grow a mustache in honor of his birthday, which is fabulous in that ironic-detachment way.

Sexy and...something else.

My itty-bitty moving truck and lone itty-bitty old dude that came with it. Aren't moving guys supposed to be young, rugged and muscular? Answer: YES. Imagine my disappointment when I rushed to answer the doorbell (after applying makeup and checking myself from every angle) to find THIS.
So I ended up having to ride in the truck, knees and arms all awkwardly tucked up, for a damn HOUR while this crazy dude mumbled to himself and commented on how tall I am and how gigantic my feet are.

These are jars of giant killer bees mixed with cheap sake. Homemade. The bees were found a few train stops from my home in Omiya. Terrifying.
George claimed that it would give me the "power of the bee" on Pillow Fight Night, but I was not convinced.
In a ramen shop in Shibuya's club district.

We had to tell Dave that the mustache+MickeyMouse look was a bit too paedo.
One or the other, but not both.

Megan and John. I guess this was just a case of finger-over-the-flash, but it works.
I call this series "Enlightenment."
or maybe "Not Flattering."
A giant storefront in Ikebukuro designed to look like a hand holding a cell phone. I get to walk by this on my way home now.
My new hair, the night that I got it.And a few random cell-phone pictures:

A portable air-guitar. It has sensors that play notes when you "strum" it. For a low, low price of 2500 yen.
Anyone wanna rent a dog?
A "gift melon" costing over 200 dollars. For that much money, this melon had better give you an HJ or something.
If I had a nickel for every Japanese salaryman passed out in an awkward position on public transportation, I'd have a shitload of nickels.It happens to the point where people just step over something like this and pretend not to notice.
And an awesomely bad photobooth picture taken during our "girls night" last week. All the junk floating around is Liza's doing - I prefer a more subtle approach to the art of cutesy flying debris.
i'm awesome.
1 comment:
love the passed out dude
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