(Christine's New Life in Tokyo)

They wouldn't let me get a picture until his head was fully on. Shame, he's kinda a hottie under there.

There's some weird stuff inside Sunshine City in Ikebukuro.

An adorable handmade flyer for the local elementary school's Sports Day

Hanging out with some drag queens in Kabuki-cho. The larger queen was obviously the leader, smacking around the smaller one and calling her "stupid" until she scurried away and came back minutes later for more abuse.


The name and address of the ramen shop, printed on the seaweed. Brilliant.

Another shot from outside my front door

Just call on Jaws of Life Hello Kitty to save you from the mangled wreckage of your car

I seriously cannot get enough of this game. And I will kick your ass.

Wholesome fun at the Yokota Air Force Base keg party.

At Los Cabos, a Mexican-themed bar in Ikebukuro. As we made such a shameful scene, trying to get our drinks served in coconut monkey cups, we can never go back there again.

Lovely Takinogawa

Itabashi Station

Out with our new Air Force friends in Shibuya

Derek, Lori, and Jill

I come down to ECC Headquarters in central Shinjuku whenever I want to waste my bosses' time with stupid questions (read: often).

Derek at karaoke, no doubt singing a song about freakin' some fly honeys

The Yamanote Line, with Ikebukuro in the background

Highly amused by a random statue of Godzilla in Ginza
...and the Halloween Party:

No one knows the guy in the orange jumpsuit.

Or this guy.

Or these guys. I vaguely remember the guy on the right being from some obscure Eastern European country.

What is going on in the left side of this picture?



From our mailbox, instructions for how to conserve energy. Of course there are cute cartoon characters. Of course.

In Ikebukuro Station
1 comment:
maybe it's because i just woke up, but that first picture with jill made me do a doubletake because i thought it was me.
ps hi. just checking up on you.
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