Anyway, I went for my inaugural walk around the neighborhood today to check things out. I also discovered that I can post pictures to this thing really easily. Click for a larger version. You're excited.

Here's the street that I live on, and the van on the left which was blocking the entrance to my building in the most awkward way possible.

The door to my building. I don't know what Bonn Wohnung means, but it's not even close to Japanese. And you can see me in the reflection, looking indecent (according to my observations today, Japanese women don't expose their thighs even when it's so hot that your eyeballs are sweating).

I'll be walking down this street every day, to and from the train station. This is the "from" view.

My train station, Omiya, largest station in Saitama and a short walk from my apartment. It's a monster, and I love it.

Why the squirrel, Japan? Why?

Tee hee.

And my favorite purchase from the 100-yen store.
I did more walking today than I had over the past two months. I also was gawked at pretty frequently, had an awkward conversation with a guy trying to sell me an apartment, and was helped in the electronics store by a man with the grodiest hands ever. I can't even describe the horror.
My mind is shutting down. I'm off to bed (Western-style, no lame futons for THIS girl).
P.S. My toilet seat is heated.
First of all.. the picture of the busy street looks like a bunch of cars are about to hit you or swerving to NOT hit you. The trash can is hilarious and wounderful. I would like to have the job of correcting Japanese's people's English signs.
a) i love engrish things. more photos of those.
b) the squirrel is wearing overalls! OVERALLS!
c) i had boo-bee juice in london. yes.
Sleeping in AND not getting stuck out in the boonies... son of a bitch.
Oh well, see you in a month.
I haven't spoken to you, aside from an occasional hello, in over a year. I didn't even really get to say goodbye to you after graduation.
I don't know what you're doing in Japan, how long you are there, or whether you are involved in some elaborate drugs/sex/rockn'roll trafficking.
But, for some reason, I feel compelled to read your blog every day. Keep it rolling,
-Chris McVey
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