Yesterday was my first day of training to be an "English teacher" (I use the term loosely). Accordingly, last night was my first night of going out with coworkers and bosses for "a pint," which, to my British trainers, apparently means five pints. Running, beer-filled, down the streets of Shinjuku at midnight to try to catch the last trains is something that everyone should experience at some point in their lives.
And the next morning, in true Japan fashion, we went back to work hung-over and fatigued, pretending that none of it happened.
Today I had my first Idiot American moment. It involved me being the only whitey at the conveyor-belt sushi place, incorrect use of the hot-water tap, and a very grumpy Japanese businessman. I'd explain, but it would dishonor my family name. You understand.
Apparently, making Japanese people laugh is like shooting fish in a barrel. An approximation of the Japanese TV show I watched earlier:
Woman: "You look pretty!"
Other woman: "I don't know."
ROAR OF LAUGHTER from the audience.
Woman: "blah blah blah blah blah." (incoherent Japanese)
Man: "Yes."
I got annoyed and turned it off.
On my last work-free day, I decided to go explore Harajuku. It was a Sunday, so the goth kids and the embarrassing tourists were out in force. Here are some of the highlights:

This dog was not a fan.

Oh, Japan.
yo... contact me so we can do something... for god's sake...
Make lots of hot asian female friends so when i visit you i'll have them to bone. I was not impressed with the girls you've posted thus far. I will only look at your pictures and draw my own conclusions, I'm not gonna read your words.
Christine voices carry
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