Hey kids! Guess what time it is!
Yeah...I haven't uploaded pictures in weeks. So here are the highlights from what I unearthed tonight:

My roommate Jen and I in Shinjuku.

This guy is on advertisements all over the city. I'd party with him.

Outside Shinjuku Station at 6am. You know when you've stayed up all night and you're on your way home, and it's sunny and you're tired and hung over and you want to die? Yeah, that.

A sign at a train platform in Shinjuku.

Fumi's birthday. Guess which one is Fumi.

What a nice, scenic place to drink cheap beer next to some homeless guys.

Nate, Adam, and I at the izakaya with Random Japanese Guy #1. Note the dangerous organ meats in the foreground.

In Japan, monkeys host talk shows and drive cars. Sometimes at the same time.

For those of you who were curious, here's the living room of my apartment. Meet Stumpy The Couch, and his friends Stumpy-Ass Table And Chairs.

Another view. It's not really on a slant, I don't know what happened there.
That's all for tonight. I'm a little braindead because I woke up at 5:30 this morning to spend twelve hours dancing in a green afro wig. But I'm saving that story for later.
1 comment:
Ummm... is it me or is Dance Man hot?
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